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Laboratory of Embedded Communication Systems (COMES) - R&D Projects

  • "Data Controller for Scanning-Probe Data-Storage Systems"

    (January 2002 - January 2011). Program financed by the IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, in the context of the research project "The Millipede: A future AFM-based data storage system" (Probe Storage).

  • "Smart Small IP Devices - S2IPD"

    (December 2001 - May 2002). Program financed by the Fraunhofer-Institut fur offene Kommunikationssysteme (FOKUS), Germany. 

  • "High Speed Transmission Technology over Residential Power-Lines"

    (October 2001 - September 2003). PAVET 2000 Program, in collaboration with ATMEL HELLAS and the Computer Technology Institute.

  • "Digital Subscriber Line (xDSL) technology"

    (October 2001 - September 2003). PAVET 2000 Program, in collaboration with ATMEL HELLAS and the Computer Technology Institute.

  • "Anti-Aircraft Artillery Simulator - PYTHEAS"

    (October 2001 - September 2002). Program financed by the Greek Ministry of National Defence.

  • "Channel Modelling and Error Control Algorithms for Digital Communications"

    (November 2000 - November 2003). KARATHEODORIS Program, University of Patras.

  • "Printed Circuit Antenna Design"

    (November 2000 - January 2001). Program financed by the Digital Harmony Technologies Inc, USA.

  • "Signalling protocols for xDSL technology"

    (January 2000 - December 2001. Program financed by the IBM Zurich Research Laboratory.

  • "Algorithms for Mobile and Wireless Communication Networks"

    (November 1999 - March 2001). Program financed by the Greek Secretariat of Research and Technology.

  • "Multi-processor Configuration for a highly-reliable Power Controller - EPIMITHEAS"

    (September 1999 - September 2001). Program financed by ALSTOM Hellas in collaboration with the Institute of Industrial Systems (IIS), Patras, Greece.

  • "ARM Integrated Development Environment - AIDE"

    (December 1998 - December 2000). Program financed by DCT Hellas Company.

  • "Establishment of an ATM Laboratory - Development of ATM Services"

    (October 1998 - February 2000). Program financed by the Greek Telecommunications Organisation (OTE), R&D Dept.

  • "DSP144 - Development of a Coder for Wireless Data Transfer Systems"

    (September 1997 - May 1998). Program financed by DCT Hellas Company.

  • "AEGIS - Technical Support for R&D Programs"

    (February 1997 - December 1998). Program financed by DCT Hellas Company.

  • "IANOS - Wireless Network IEEE802.11 and IEEE802.3 Interconnection"

    (January 1997 - June 1998). Program financed by DCT Hellas Company.

  • "ATM255 Material Technology"

    (January 1997 - December 1998). Program financed by DCT Hellas Company. Libraries for ATM technology material.

  • "Cordless Business Communication System - COBUCO"

    (September 1995 - August 1999). EU-ACTS project 0233.

  • "Package for New Operational Autostereoscopic Multiview Systems and Applications - PANORAMA"

    (September 1995 - August 1998). EU-ACTS project 078.

  • "Development of Physical Interfaces - DELPHI"

    (May 1995 - October 1995). Program financed by GMD-FOKUS Institute, Germany.

  • "Development of Voice mail and Video mail in PC environment"

    (October 1994 - October 1996). Co-financed Program 92PS8 in collaboration with INTRACOM SA, Greece.

  • "Design and Development of a Data Transfer through Power Lines System"

    (September 1994 - May 1996). Program financed by COMPTEL Company.

  • "Realization of a system for Automatic (Speaker Independent) Greek Language Recognition of pronounced digits 1 to 0 and certain chosen control commands"

    (September 1994 - May 1995). Co-financed Program 92PS8 in collaboration with SIEMENS HELLAS Company.

  • "Pan European Reference - Configuration for IBC Services Management - PRISM"

    (February 1994 - December 1994). EU-RACE project R2041. Object Oriented methods applied in the management of Telecommunications Networks.

  • "ASN.1 Coprocessor Cell for European Networking Technology - ACCENT"

    (February 1994 - July 1996). EU-ESPRIT-III 9169 program. Coding system of ASN-1 language for the PCI-bus.

  • "Digital Stereoscopic Imaging and Applications - DISTIMA"

    (January 1992 - December 1995). EU-RACE II project 11813 in collaboration with INTRACOM SA, Greece.  Development of a UNI 155 Mbps system.

  • "Management and Protection of Forest Ecosystems with emphasis on Forest Fires and Restoration of Fire Destroyed Areas"

    (January 1992 - December 1993). EU-STRIDE HELLAS project 293.

  • "Utilities for Integrated Networks"

    (November 1991 - December 1992). INTRACOM SA, Greece.

  • "Design and Demonstration of a System for Decision Support in Forest Fire Detection and Prevention"

    (October 1991 - October 1993). EU-EPOCH project CT91 0040 in collaboration with the FEL-TNO Institute, Holland.

  • "Engineering Education for Development of Digital Communication Products"

    (1990-1991). Ministry of Research and Technology, Greece.

  • "Dynamically Adaptable Multi-Service System - DAMS"

    (October 1989 - 1991). EU-ESPRIT II project EP2146. Development of control devices for an Ethernet to DAMS Gateway.

  • "Metropolitan Area Communication System - MAX"

    (April 1989 - April 1991). EU-ESPRIT II project EP2100. Development of control devices for an Ethernet to MAX Gateway.

  • "Research and Development Support for Telecommunications Products"

    (April 1989 - December 1990). EU-Mediterranean Programmes.

  • "Design and Realization of a Two Layers Optic Local Area Computer Network"

    (September 1987 - September 1989). Ministry of Research and Technology, Greece.

  • "Integrated Broadband Communication Network - IBCN"

    (June 1986 - December1986). EU-RACE I project.

  • "Local Integrated Optical Network - LION"

    (September 1985 - August 1989). EU-ESPRIT project 169. Development of an Ethernet to LION Gateway, in collaboration with ALCATEL-TITN, France.

  • "Study of Local Area Computer Network-Definition phase"

    (July 1985 - June 1986). Ministry of Research and Technology, Greece.

  • "Realization of a Laser-Doppler Speed Counter"

    (September 1984 - September 1985). Laboratory of Thermodynamics, University of Patras.


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