A. Pantazi and
Th. Antonakopoulos:
Performance Analysis of 100 Mbps PACE Technology Ethernet Networks
The 6th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications - ISCC’01,
Tunisia, July 2001.
Abstract: 100BASE-T has enhanced the performance of Ethernet networks from 10 to
100 Mbps. However, an Ethernet network under high offered load can produce
unpredictable and excessive packet delays due to the capture effect introduced
by the Binary Exponential Backoff (BEB) algorithm. A solution that efficiently
overcomes this problem is the PACE algorithm. This paper presents a performance
analysis of several schemes of an algorithm based on PACE
technology. We developed a mathematical model of the system and we used
the Equilibrium Point Analysis (EPA) technique in order to analyze the above
model. It is shown that the proposed schemes improve the performance of the
network both in terms of throughput and average packet delay.
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