G. Cherubini, Th. Antonakopoulos,
P. Bachtold, G. K. Binnig, M. Despont, U. Drechsler, A. Dholakia, U.
Durig, E. Eleftheriou, B. Gotsmann, W. Haberle, M. A. Lantz, T.
Loeliger, H. Pozidis, H. E. Rothuizen, R. Stutz and P. Vettiger:
The Millipede, a Very Dense,
Highly Parallel Scanning-Probe Data-Storage System
The 28th European Solid-State
Circuits Conference - ESSCIRC 2002, Florence, Italy, 24-26 September
Ultrahigh storage densities of up to 1 Tbit/in. can be achieved by
local-probe techniques to write, read back, and erase data in very thin
polymer films. The thermo-mechanical scanning-probe-based data-storage
concept called Millipede combines ultrahigh density, terabit capacity,
small form factor, and high data rate. After illustrating the principles
of operation of the Millipede, we introduce a channel model for the
analysis of the read back process, and compare analytical results with
experimental data.
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