P. Savvopoulos, M. Varsamou, N.
Papandreou, Th. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios:
APSK Coded Modulation Techniques: From
Simulink Models to DSP Implementation
The European DSP Education and
Research Symposium - EDERS 2004, Birmingham, UK,
November 2004.
This paper presents the application of
a versatile and flexible environment on prototyping data transmission
devices that are based on digital signal processors (DSPs). This
development environment integrates the Matlab/Simulink tools with the TI
DSPs in a unified set-up that allows interaction between the model
running on Matlab/Simulink and the software modules running on the DSP
platform, through a data exchange mechanism via the PCMCIA interface.
The application example described makes use of the APSK modulation
technique that has been decided for the second generation of satellite
broadband communications systems.
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contact either one of the authors or send an e-mail to: