Maria Varsamou, Ilias Zaxarias and Theodore Antonakopoulos:
Correlated Noise Estimation and Error Correction in
Parallel Storage Channels
The IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information
Technology (ISSPIT), December 12-15, 2013 - Athens, Greece.
Abstract: The evolution of new technologies frequently results to
the need of formulating old problems in new way. The design of MEMS-based storage systems that use
multiple, simultaneously accessed channels, has to confront, among others, the problem of correlated
noise in different channels. This work presents a method that exploits the inherent parallelism found in
communication/storage systems that use multiple, simultaneously accessed channels in order to estimate
the correlated error vector and to improve the data decoding process. The method uses the parallelism of
the multiple channels to flag symbols not only as erasures using the error locations revealed by the
initial errors-only decoding attempt, but to estimate the introduced channel noise vector and provide soft
information to the demodulators of all channels. Numerical results demonstrate the performance improvement
that is achieved by the proposed method, thus improving the reliability of such systems/devices.
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