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Vassilios Makios

Emeritus Professor

Laboratory of Embedded Communication Systems

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

University of Patras

26504 Patras, Greece

Phone : +30 2610 996486

E-mail :

Detailed CV

A) NAME: Vassilios Makios: CITIZENSHIP: Greek-Canadian.

B) DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH:  December 31, 1938 Kavala, Greece.


  • Elementary School, Thessaloniki, Greece, 1945-1950.

  • American High School (Anatolia College) Thessaloniki, Greece, 1950-1956.

  • Dipl. Ing. Electrophysics-Electrical Engineering, Technical University Munich, Germany, 1956-1962.

  • Ph. D (Dr. Ing) Plasma Physics and Microwaves, Technical University Munich and Max Planck Institut fur Plasmaphysik, Munich, Germany (Director of the Institute Prof. W. Heisenberg), 1962-1966.


1) Academic

  • Research Associate in the Max Planck Institut fur Plasmaphysik in Garching (Munich), Germany. Involved in research and teaching, 1962-1967.

  • Assistant Professor, Carleton University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electronics, Ottawa, Canada, 1967-1971.

  • Tenure, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, 1970.

  • Associate Professor, Carleton University, 1971-1974.

  • Professor, Carleton University, 1974-1977.

  • Professor of Engineering, Director of Electromagnetics Laboratory, School of Engineering, Patras University, Patras, Greece, 1974-2005

  • Vice President, University of Patras, 1974.

  • Founding Member and Director, Applied Instrumentation Laboratory, Department of Electronics, Carleton University, 1975-1976.

  • Honorary, Research Professor, Carleton University, 1977.

  • Dean of Engineering, University of Patras, 1980-1982.

  • Member, Board of Directors, Technical University of Grete, 1981-1986.

  • Director, Division of Telecommunications and Electronics, University of Patras, 1987-1990.

  • Dean of Engineering, University of Patras, 1997-

2) Other

  • Consultant, Communications Research Center (microwave communications, radars, lasers and integrated optics), Ottawa, Canada, 1970-1975.

  • President and Member of the Board, Rideau Microwaves, (a small company established to exploit technology and expertese in Microwave Communications Technology), Ottawa, 1972-1974.

  • Collaborator, National Research Council of Canada, Laser and Plasmaphysics Division (high pressure CO2 laser technology), Ottawa, 1970-1975.

  • Collaborator Bell Norther Research of Canada (microwave communications), 1970-1972.

  • Collaborator, Canada Center for Remote Sensing (Radar Technology for ice identification), 1970-1975.

  • Consultant, Greek Airforce Research Center (radar technology, microwaves), 1978-1980.

  • Greek National Delegate AGARD, 1978-1984.

  • Greek National Delegate SEFI, 1978-

  • Reviewer, European Economic Community ESPRIT Projects, 1985-

  • Collaborator, Greek Ministry of Research and Technology, 1982-

  • Member of many scientific committees of the European Community, 1982-

  • Vice President, Research Committee of the University of Patras, 1988-


a) Teaching

Over the past 30 years I have taught numerous graduate and undergraduate courses in the fields: electromagnetics, microwaves, antennas, propagation, microwave semiconductor devices, plasma diagnostics, coherent EM Theory and Optics, laser technology, fiber optics, Local Area Networks, optical and microwave communications. Currently I teach the following courses:

b) Research

1962-1967: Max Planck Institute for Plasmaphysics, Munich, Germany: Microwave diagnostics in Shock Waves with High Mach Numbers (M-20).

1967-1977: Professor, Department of Electronics Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada: My research philosophy was to get the University involved in problems of industry and research organizations so that the students can help in solving relevant problems.

Collaboration was established with the following organizations, in Canada:

Communications Research Center - Department of Communications - National Research Council - Canada Center for Remote Sensing - Department of the Environment - Department of Energy Mines and Resources of Canada - Lumonics Ltd.

Research has been performed in the following fields:

Microwave Communications Systems - Microwave Semiconductor Sources- Microstrip Technology - Broadband Antennas - Radar technology applications for ice, water and soil identification and other geophysical parameters - Microwave Detection Methods for Remote Sensing - Development and construction of the first tuneable CO2 laser at 10Atm - Holography for Technology - Integrated Optics - Solar Energy Applications.

In 1972 with other Professors and graduate students of Carleton we founded RIDEAU MICROWAVES, a small company to solve communications problems in Canada.

In 1975, I created and directed for one year the APPLIED INSTRUMENTATION LABORATORY (AIL) in the Department of Electronics of Carleton University, to do research and development for the Canadian Government and Industry in the fields I have mentioned above. The Lab has succeeded immensely in the Canadian scene.

In 1974 I returned to Greece to take up a professorship in the Electrical Engineering Department of the fairly new University of Patras and also establish and direct the Electromagnetic Laboratory.

Finally, in 1977 I resigned my position at Carleton University, where I am still a Research Professor, in order to devote all my time in Greece. My major aim was to transfer technology from North America to the developing electronics industry in Greece and also educate properly in state-of-the art as many young Greek students as possible.

1975-todate: Professor of Engineering and Director of the Laboratory of Electromagnetics, University of Patras, Greece.

My research philosophy was to get involved in R&D topics in communications which will involve Greek students in modern telecommunication problems.

The Laboratory of Electromagnetic has established contacts with Greek Telecom Industry (INTRACOM, SIEMENS, ERICSSON etc), the Greek Ministry of Science and Technology, the Greek Air Force Research Center and the European Community DG XIII (Telecommunications and Information Technology). Also the Laboratory was influential in establishing R&D in photovoltaic systems in Greece in 1981 with the help of European Community DG XII.

The Laboratory is participating in numerous European Community R&D projects (ESPRIT, RACE, EPOCH, JOULE, PV applications, etc). In the past years the Laboratory has successfully designed and implemented many product oriented interfaces and custom made systems which developed into products. The funding of the Laboratory in the past 20 years has been in total 5MiDollars.

The Research topics of the Laboratory are in the broader custom-made design of telecom products. In specific research was performed in LANs and WANs, ATM interfaces, protocol applications, embedded systems design applied in microwave and optical communication systems and computational electromagnetics for antenna and microstrip circuit design.

More than 20 Ph.D students have successfully conducted their research in the laboratory and over 250 thesis project have been executed. Many graduates of the Laboratory are already working in Greek Industry proliferating the ideas of the Laboratory. Also a group of graduates of the Laboratory have created an affiliate Department of ATMEL, an American Company and they do advanced design work in telecom products for US customers.

c) Research Supervision

During my 24 years professor carreer I have supervised over 30 Ph.D. students  (in Canada and Greece) over 20 M.Sc. students (in Canada) and over 250 final year projects (in Patras) which led to many scientific publications, three patents and industrial prototypes which were used both in Canada and in Greece. I have also helped over 300 electrical engineering Greek students to go for further studies abroad (USA, Canada and Europe). Many of these students hold already important positions in USA, Canada and Greece.


  • IEEE (Microwave Theory and Techniques, Quantum Electronics, Electron Devices, Antennas and Propagation, Communications etc.) . Senior member

  • Canadian Association of Physicists

  • German Physical Society

  • Member VDI (NTG) German Engineering Society

  • Professional Engineer, Province of Ontario

  • Technical Chamber of Greece

  • Member Electromagnetic Propagation Panel AGARD


  • Bibliography: American Men of Science, Dictionary of International Biography, International Who is Who, Who is Who in Optics etc.

  • Member organizing committee in numerous scientific meetings.

  • Greek National Delegate AGARD.

  • Technical Program Chairman, 5th European Community Photovoltaic Conference, 1983 Athens.

  • Cochairman EURINFO 1988, Athens.

  • Invited Speaker in numerous conferences.

  • Recipient Silver and Golden Medal VDE (El. Eng. Society of Germany).

  • Recipient Golden Medal Verein Deutscher Elektotechniker (VDE) 1999.

  • COMCON - Life Technical Achievement Award for 1999.

  • IBM Partnership Award for 1999 – 2001.


List of Publications


  • Makios: "Einrichtung zur Messung des Komplexen Ubertragungsmasses eines in einem Mikrowellen-Messkanal angeordneten Untersuchungsobjektes", Deutsches Patent No. 1466725, 1970.

  • Wight J.S., Chubodiak W.J. and Makios V.: "A Harmonic Radar Technique for obtaining High Spatial Resolution", Canadian Patent No. 1075311.

  • Wight, W.J. Chudobiak and V. Makios: "Electronic Phase Comparison Apparatus for the Remote Measurement of Layer Thickness", U.S. Patent No. 4075555 Febr. 21, 1978.


I have written three books in the Greek language for my courses in the University of Patras in basic electromagnetics, microwave engineering and fiber optics telecommunications.

Abstract CV



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