Refereed Papers In Archival Journals
V. Makios and H. Muntenburch: "Untersuchung eines
stosswellenplasmas mit Hilfe eines 4
mm-Mikrowellen-Reflektometers", Abstr.
Verh. Dt. Phys. Ges. H4 S. 15, 1964.
V. Makios and H. Muntenbruch: "Mikrowelleninterferometrie
an elektromagnetisch erzeugten Stossswellen", Zeitschrift
f. Naturforschung. Band 20a, 7, S.870-875, 1965.
J3. V. Makios: "Mikrowellenmessungen der Elektronendichte und
Stossfrequenz in elektromagnetisch erzeugten Stosswellen", Zeit f. Naturfrsng. Band 21a, 12, 2040-2045, 1966.
V. Makios: "Diskussion des Transmissions und
Reflexionsverhaltens Elektromagnetischer Wellen im Millimeterbereich
an ebenen Plasmaschicten", Abstr.
Verh. Dt. Phys. Ges. H.5., S. 319, 1966.
V. Makios: "New Microwave Interferometric Device Using
Lecher Wires for High Spatial Resolution", Rev.
of Scient. Instr. Vol. 38, 3, 352-354, March 1967.
H. Brinkschulte, H. Finkelmeyer, G. Hofman, V. Makios, H.
Muntenbruch und F. Pecorella: "Untersuchungen an schnell
offnenden elektromagnetischen Gaseinlassventilen", Zeitsch.
f. angew. Physik, Band 25, 2, S.109-117, 1968, auch Bericht IPP
3/56 des Institutes fur Plasmaphysik, Garching, Juli 1967.
H. Brinkschulte und V. Makios: "Untersuchungen an einem
schnellen elektromagnetischen Gaseinlassventil", Abstr.,
Verh. Dt. Phys. H.4, S.321, (1967).
J8. O.P. Jain, V. Makios and W.J. Chudobiak: "Coupled-Mode
Model of Dispersion in Microstrip", Electronics
Letters, July 15, 1971, Vol. 7, No. 14, p. 405-407.
J9. W.J. Chudobiak, O.P. Jain and V. Makios: "Dispersion in
microstrip", IEEE Trans. on
MTT, Vol. 19, No. 9, p. 783-784, 1971.
J10. V. Makios and R.E. Thomas: "Measurements of Minority
Carrier Lifetime in Silicon at Microwave Frequencies Using Microstrip
Techniques", Electronic
Letters, Aug. 26, 1971, Vol. 7, No. 17, p. 469-497.
J11. S.T. Ogletree and V. Makios: "The Development of a
Narrowband Time Domain Reflectometer", IEEE
Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. IM-21, May
1972, p.161-166.
J12. W.J. Chudobiak, R. McKillican and V. Makios: "The Effect
of Junction Temperature on the Output Power of Silicon Impatt
Diode", Proceedings of
IEEE, Vol. 60, No. 3, March 1972, p. 340-341.
J13. R.B. Gray and V. Makios: "Measurement of Electron Drift
Velocity in a Magnetoplasma by Microwave Dragging", Physics Letters A, Dec. 6, 1971, Vol. 37A, p. 359-360.
J14. R.E. Thomas, V. Makios: "Microwave Transmission Method for
Measuring Minority Carrier Lifetime in Silicon slices", Electronics
Letters, Dec. 16, 1971, Vol. 7, No. 25, p. 754-756.
J15. K.O. Tan, V. Makios and R.W. Morrison: "A TEA CO2
Laser Driven by a 200kV Marx-Generator", Physics
Letters A, February 14, 1972, Vol. 38A, p. 225-226.
J16. O.P. Jain, V. Makios and W.J. Chudobiak: "Open-End and
Edge Effect in Microstrip Transmission Lines", IEEE
Trans. on MTT, Vol. 20, No. 9, pp. 626-628, 1972.
J17. S.S. Vishnubhatla and V. Makios: "Surface Barrier
Electroreflectance Measurements on Silicon", Physics Letters A, 17 July 1972, Vol. 40A, No. 3, p.221-223.
J18. D.J. Hidson, V. Makios and R.W. Morrison: "Transverse CO2
Laser Action at Several Atmospheres", Physics
Letters A, 14 August 1972, Vol. 40A, No. 5, p. 413-414.
J19. R.B. Gray and V. Makios: "Studies on a Microwave Dragging
Technique for Measuring Electron Drift Velocity", Canadian Journal of Physics, Vol. 50, No. 18, 1972, p. 2074-2081.
J20. J. Mar, V. Makios and E.G. Plett: "Electromagnetic
Detonation in a Magnetic Annular Shoch Tube", Physics
of Fluids, Vol. 16, No. 12, 1973, p.2160-2166.
J21. R.I. MacDonald, K.O Hill and V. Makios: "Parametric Noise
Suppression in Complex Holograms", Optica
Acta, vol. 20, No. 5, 1973, p. 387-402.
J22. J. Wight, O.P. Jain, W.J. Chudobiak and V. Makios:
"Equivalent Circuits of Microstrip Impedance Discontinuities and
Launchers", IEEE Trans. on
MTT, vol. MTT 22, No. 1, p. 48-52, Jan. 1974.
J23. M.R. Vant, R.B. Gray, R.O. Ramseier and V. Makios:
"Dielectric Properties of Fresh and Sea Ice at 10 GHz", Journal of Applied Physics, Vol 45, No. 11, 1974, p. 4712-4717.
J24. Vant. M.R. Gray, R.B., Ramseier R.O. and Makios V.:
"Erratum Dielectric Properties of Fresh and Sea Ice at 10 and 35
GHz", Journal of Applied
Physics, Vol. 46, No. 5, p. 2339, May 1975.
J25. R.I. MacDonald, K.O. Hill and V. Makios: "Hybrid Modes of
the passive-core corrugated-waveguide laser", Canadian Journal of Physics, Vol. 54, No. 8, 1976, pp. 849-860.
J26. J.S. Wight, W.J. Chudobiak and V. Makios: "An All-Harmonic
Coupling-Band Hybrid", IEEE
Trans. on MTT, Vol. 24, Febr. 1976, p. 122-124.
J27. J.S. Wight, W.J. Chudobiak and V. Makios: "A microstrip
and Stripline Crossover Structure", IEEE
Trans. on microw. Theory and Techniques, Vol. MTT-24, May 1976, p.
J28. C.J. Georgopoulos and V. Makios: "Pin Diode Reverse Bias
Switching via Inductive Discharching", Electronics
Letters, Vol. 14, No. 23, p. 723-724, 1978.
J29. J.S. Wight, V. Makios and W.J. Chudobiak: "A Multiple
Frequency Phase Comparison Technique for the Determination of Remote
Layer Thickness", IEEE
Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurement Vol. IM28, No. 1, p.
26-31, March 1979.
J30. M.R. Vant, R. O. Ramseir and V. Makios: "The Complex
Dielectric Constant of Sea Ice at Frequencies in the Range 0.1 to 40
GHz", J. Appl. Phys.
49(3), p. 1264-1280, March 1978.
J31. N.C. David and V. Makios: "Analysis and Design of a
Broadband Delta Modulation System", The
Radio and Electronics Engineer, Vol. 51, No. 3, p. 117-130, March
J32. N. Kanopoulos, J.J. Hallenbeck and V. Makios: "Design and
Implementation of a CMOS Delta Modulator", VLSI Design, Vol. VI, No. 2 Febr. 1985, pp. 489-492.
J33. N. Kanopoulos and V. Makios: "A Single Chip Adaptive Delta
Modulator with Optimum Performance", INTEGRATION,
the VLSI Journal 3, 1985, pp. 319-328.
J34. C. Soras and V. Makios: "A Novel Method for Determining
the Optimum size of Stand-Alone Photovoltaic Systems", Solar Cells, Vol. 25, pp. 127-142, 1988.
J35. V. Pallios, T. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios: "Access
Control Module for Local Integrated Optical Network", Electronics Letters, February 1989, 25, (3), pp. 183-185.
J36. A. Alexandridis, K. Dangakis, V. Makios and C. Mantakas:
"Use of synchronous code division multiple access techniques with
short coding sequences in the development of a local communication
network" Int. J. Electronics, 1990, Vol. 68, No. 6, 939-956.
J37. Th. Zacharias, J. Millias-Argitis and V. Makios:
"Introduction of a Switch Reduced Circuit for the Analysis of
Variable Topology Networks", Arhiv
fur Elektrotechnik, Vol. 73, pp. 379-388, 1990.
J38. T. Zacharias, J. Millias-Argitis and V. Makios, "First
Order Circuits Driven by a photovoltaic Generator", Solar Cells, Vol. 31, pp. 57-75, 1991.
J39. A.
Alexandridis, K. Dangakis, V. Makios and C. Mantakas:
"Communications protocol for a local network based on code
division multiplexing" Int. J. Electronics, 1991, vol. 70, no. 6,
J40. T. Antonakopoulos, S. Pressas and V. Makios: "Single Chip
Controller for a High-Switching Frequency DC/AC Power Inverter", International
Journal of Electronics, Vol. 73, No 1, pp. 229-240.
J41. T. Antonakopoulos, J. Koutsonikos and V. Makios: "An
Adaptable Frame Multiplexing Scheme for Source Routing Bridges", Microprocessing
and Microprogramming, Vol. 35, No 1-5, September 1992, pp.
409-416. Presented also in the 18th EUROMICRO Conference, Paris,
September 1992.
J42. Th. Zacharias, J. Millias-Argitis and V. Makios: "Loop
Admittance Matrix Modification for the Digital Simulation of Power
Converter Circuits", Int.
J. of Circ. Theory and Appl. Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 41-59 Jan-Feb.
J43. T. Antonakopoulos, K. Berberidis and V. Makios: "A
Computationally Efficient Method for Tone Detection in Noisy
Channels", accepted for
publication in the International Journal of Electronics.
J44. T. Antonakopoulos, S. Koutroubinas, J. Koutsonikos and V.
Makios: "A Distributed Bandwidth Allocation Algorithm for Gbit/s
LANs", Euromicro Journal of
Microprocessing and Microprogramming, Vol. 38, No 1-5, September
1993, pp. 301-308. also presents 19th EUROMICRO Conference, Barcelona,
Spain, September 1993.
J45. A. Maniatopoulos, T. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios, "A New
Single - Bit Error Correction Circuit for ATM Interfaces", Electronics Letters, IEE, Vol. 31, No 8, April 1995, pp. 617-618.
J46. S. Koutroubinas, T. Antonakopoulos, C. Stavroulopoulos
and V. Makios,
"Performance Analysis of Service Transmission
in the ATM Environment using a Distributed Simulator", International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, Vol. 16, No 1,
ACTS Press 1996, pp. 30-36.
J47. A. Maniatopoulos, T. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios,
"Implementation Issues of the ATM cell delineation
mechanism", Electronics Letters, IEE, Vol. 32, No 1, May 1996, pp. 963-964.
Koutroubinas, T. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios "A New Efficient
Access Protocol for Integrating Multimedia Services in the Home
Environment" IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics,
Vol. 45, No. 3, August 1999, pp.481-487.
Papadimatos, T. Antonakopoulos and
V. Makios "Compressed Disparity Information Transmission over
Constant Bit Rate ATM Channels" European Transactions
on Telecommunications, Vol. 11, No 5, September/October
2000, pp. 509-513.
A. Kalis, T. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios "A Printed
Circuit Switched Array Antenna for Indoor Communications" IEEE
Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 46, August 2000, pp.
531-538. Also presented at The 19th International Conference on Consumer Electronics –
ICCE’2000, IEEE, Los Angeles, June 2000. Awarded with the
second Chester Sall Award of IEEE for the best papers of IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics in 2000.
Antonakopoulos and V. Makios: "A New Microcontroller Based Technique
for Generating Variable Voltage/Frequency Sinusoidal PWM
Signals", International Journal of Electronics, Vol. 88, No 5, 2001, pp. 615 -
A. Kostaridis, C. Soras
and V.
Makios, "Magnetostatic
analysis of a brushless DC motor using a two-dimensional partial
differential equation solver",
Computer Applications in Engineering Education,
Vol. 9 (2), pp. 93-100, (July
Kalis, T. Antonakopoulos, C. Sorras and V. Makios: "A Switched
Dual Antenna Array for Mobile Computing Networks", International
Journal of Electronics, Vol. 89, No 4, 2002, pp.325 - 335.
D. Papadimatos, T. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios:
"Disparity Codec Architecture for 3D Teleconferencing
Systems", Accepted for publication in the International
Journal of Electronics.
T. Antonakopoulos, A. Maniatopoulos, A. Pantazi and V. Makios:
"VIRUS: A Pseudo-Framing Method for Cell-Based Interfaces", Computer
Communications, Vol. 26 (2003) p.p. 165-176.
L. Hadellis, S. Koubias, V. Makios: “An integrated approach
for an interoperable industrial networking architecture consisting of
heterogeneous fieldbuses” to appear in Computers in Industry 1626
Soras, M. Karaboikis, G. Tsachtsiris and V. Makios, "Analysis
and Design of an Inverted F Antenna Printed on a PCMCIA Card
for the 2.4 GHz ISM band",
(Invited Paper), IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol.
44 (1), pp. 37-44, (Febr.
Konstantatos, C. Soras, G. Tsachtsiris, M. Karaboikis and V. Makios,
Element Modeling of Minkowski Monopole Antennas Printed on Wireless
(Invited Paper), to
appear in the Electromagnetics
J59. G. Tsachtsiris,
C. Soras, M. Karaboikis and V. Makios, "Analysis
of a Modified Sierpinski Gasket Monopole Antenna Printed on Dual Band
Wireless Devices",
for publication to the
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation.
J60. M. Karaboikis, C. Soras, G. Tsachtsiris and V. Makios, "A
Dual Printed Inverted F Antenna Diversity System for Portable Wireless
Devices", Submitted
for publication to the Microwave
and Optical Technology Letters.
J61. M. Karaboikis, C. Soras, G. Tsachtsiris and V. Makios, “Compact
dual printed inverted F antenna diversity systems for indoor
communicitons”, Submitted in the IEEE Transactions on Antennas
and Propagation.
Papers In Technical Conference
V. Makios: "Microwave Interferometer Measurements of the
Electron Density Distribution Behind Shock Fronts and Discharge
Plasmas", Proceedings of
the 26th Meeting of the Propulsion and Energetic Panel of AGARD in
Pisa, Italy, 6-10 Sept., 1965 (Vol II).
V. Makios: "Microwave Investigations on T-Tube Shock waves
with a 4mm Interferometer of Extremely High Space Resolution", Proc.
of the 7th International conference of Phenomena in Ionized Gaces,
vol. II, Beograd, 1965, (Proc-1966), S.750-755.
V. Makios, R.B. Gray: "Investigation of a Microwave
Dragging Technique for Measuring Electron Drift Velocity", Physics
in Canada, Vol. 27, Congress Issue 1971, BE 3, p.28.
V. Makios, J. Mar and E.C. Plett: "Electromagnetic
Detonation Research", Physics in Canada, Vol. 27, No. 4, Congress Issue 1971, BE 11, p.30.
C5. V. Makios, SS. Vishnubhbatla:
"Electroreflectance of silicon", Physics
in Canada, Vol. 27, No. 4, Congress Issue 1971, FG 16, p. 74.
O.P. Jain, V. Makios and W.J. Chudobiak: "The Dispersive
Behaviour of Microstrip Transmission Lines", Proceedings
of the 1971 European Microwave Conference, C3/5, Stockholm, August
O.P. Jain, V. Makios and W.J. Chudobiak: "The High
Frequency Behaviour of Microstrip Transmission Lines", Proceedings
of the International Electrical and Electronics Conference, IEEE
Toronto, 1971, p. 96-97.
V. Makios and R.E. Thomas: "Characterization of
Semiconductor Samples Using Microstrip techniques", Proceedings
of the International Electrical and Electronics Conference, IEEE
Toronto, 1971, p.100-101.
D.J. Hidson, V. Makios and R.W. Morrison: "High Voltage,
High Pressure, CO2,
Laser", Proceedings of the
7th International Quantum Electronics Conference, Montreal, May
1972 and IEEE Trans. on QE Vol. AE-8, No. 6, p. 594-595, 1972.
V. Makios and R.W. Morrison: "Transverse CO2 Lasers
Driven by Marx Generators", Proceedings of the Symposium on High Power Molecular Lasers, Quebec
City, May, 1972.
W.J. Chudobiak and V. Makios: "Design and Application of
Wide-Bandwidth Varactor-Tuned MIC Oscillators", Proceedings
of the Intern. IEEE Conf., Toronto, October 1973, p. 26-27.
W.J. Chudobiak, R.B. Gray, R.O. Ramseier, V. Makios, M. Vant,
J. Davis and T.J. Katsube: "Radar Remote Sensors for Ice
Thickness and Soil Moisture Measurements", Proceedings
of second Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, Guelph, Ontario,
April 1974.
W.J. Chudobiak, R.B. Gray and V. Makios: "Wideband Radar
Techniques for Remote Sensing", Canadian
Aeronautics and Space Institute, Aerospace Electronics Symposium,
Victoria, B.C. February 1974.
J.S. Wight, W.J. Chudobiak and V. Makios: "A Multiple
frequency Phase Comparison Technique for the Determination of Remote
Layer Thickness", Proc. IEEE
Microwave Power Symposium, 1978, p. 149-151.
G. Kourelis, N.C. David and V. Makios: "Analysis and
design of an error correction code for a Linear Delta Modulation
System", Advances in
Communications ed. D. Lainiotis and N.S. Tzannes, d. Reidel Co.,
1980, p. 89-96.
N.C. David and V. Makios: "The design of a broadband delta
Modulator with Optimum Performance", Advances
in communications ed. D. Lainiotis and N.S. Tzannes, d. Reidel
Co., 1980, p. 289-297.
M. Eftimerou and V. Makios: "Microwave frequency
Discriminators using GaAs FET Sloped Amplifiers", 7th
European Specialist Workshop on Active Microwave Semiconductor Devices,
1981, Spetsai, October 1981.
T. Zacharias and V. Makios: "A New Piecewise Method
Approach in Transient Circuit Analysis", AMSE
1981 Conference Proceedings, Lyon Aug. 1981, 4 pages.
T. Zacharias and V. Makios: "An Impulse Marx Generator
with 0-50 Hz Repetition Rate", Proceeding
IASTED symposium "MECO 81", Cairo Sept. 81.
S. Myrillas and V. Makios: "Switching times of an MSK
Modulated Carrier of an Injection Locked Oscillator", Proceedings
12th European Microwave Conference, Sept. 1982 Helsinki.
K. Soras and V. Makios: "Feasibility Study for Small Solar
Cell Operated Units", Proceedings,
Contractors meeting Photovoltaic Power Generation, Brussels, Nov.
1982, pp. 236-244.
K. Soras and V. Makios: "Viable Stand-Alone Photovoltaic
Systems Applied to the Greek Environment", Proceedings
IEEE, MELECON 1983, Athens, May 1983, p. E4-02.
N. Kanopoulos and V. Makios: "A CMOS Delta Modulator with
Optimum Performance", Proceedings
IEEE, MELECON '83, Athens, May 1983, pages 3.
N. Kanopoulos and V. Makios: "Analysis and Design of a
Totally Self-Checking Checker for a Linear Delta Modulation
System". Proceedings 6th
European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, Sept. 1983, p.3.
V. Makios: "Future Photovoltaic Action Plans in
Greece", Invited Paper 5th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference,
Athens Oct. 1983, p. 609-616.
K. Soras and V. Makios: "Feasible Stand Alone Photovoltaic
Systems in Grece", Prc. 5th
European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Athens Oct. 1983,
p. 485-489.
K. Soras, V. Makios and P.P. Groumpos: "Viable
Photovoltaic Energy Systems Applied to Sun-Belt Environments", Proceedings
1983 American Control Conference, San Francisco, Calif. June 1983,
p. 399-400.
V. Makios, Invited Paper "Stand-Alone Photovoltaic Systems
in Greece", Proceedings
17th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Orlando, May 1984,
p. 1329-1335.
S. Boucouris, N.C. David and V. Makios: "Optimum
Performance of an Adaptive Delta Modulation Coder", Proceedings
DIGITECH '84 Digital Techniques in Simulation Communication and
Control, July 1984, p.6.
V. Pallios and V. Makios: "Analysis and Design of a 10-20
MHz Double Loop PLL Synthesiser", Proc.
DIGITECH '84, Digital Techniques in Simulation Communication and
Control, July 1984, p.7.
N.C. David and V. Makios: "Computer Simulation Results of
a Designed Error Correction Code for a Linear Delta Modulation
System", Proc. DIGITECH '84
Digital Techniques in Simulation Communication and Control, July
1984, p.5.
V. Makios, Invited Paper "Experience of Photovoltaic
Systems in Greece", Proceedings
PVSEC-1 Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Kobe, Japan, 1984,
S.A. Pressas and V. Makios: "A Light weighted, four
Quadrant, High Switching Frequency Modular, Photovoltaic DC/AC
Inverter, with Sinusoidal Output and High Efficiency", Proc.
8th E.C. Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Florence 1988,
S.A. Pressas and V. Makios: "A High Switching Frequency
Modular Photovoltaic DC/AC Inverter", Proc.
20th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conf., Las Vegas, 1988.
K. Thramboulidis and V. Makios: "Management Architecture
of a Local Integrated Optical Network", Proc.
13th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, Minneapolis,
Minn., Oct. 1988 (6 pages).
K. Thramboulidis and V. Makios: "Distributed
Reconfiguration Algorithm for a Unidirectional Optical Bus Local Area
Network", Proc. 8th IEEE
Conference on Computers and Communications, Phoenix Arizona, March
1989 (6 pages).
V. Makios et al (Invited speaker) 5th
ESPRIT Conference, 1988: "Integrated Information Systems-Wide
Area Information and Communication Systems".
J. Koutsonikos, V. Pallios, T. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios:
"Performance Analysis of an ETHERNET Network Connected to a
High-Speed LAN", First European Conference on Information Technology for Organisational
Systems (EURINFO '88). Athens, May 1988.
V. Pallios, T. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios: "Analysis of
the Access Protocol for a multiservice LAN", First
European Conference on Information Technology for Organisational
Systems (EURINFO '88), Athens, May 1988.
V. Pallios, T. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios: "A High Speed
Access Mechanism for a Mutliservice LAN at 144 Mbps", The
8th European Conference on Electrotechnics, Stockholm, Sweden,
June 13-17, 1988, pp. 256-260.
V. Pallios, T. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios: "Architecture
and Implementation of the Access Mechanism for a Bus Structured
Multisesrvice LAN", The 8th
International Conference on Distributed Computing System, San
Jose, California, June 1988.
T. Antonakopoulos, J. Koutsonikos, V. Pallios and V. Makios:
"Simulation Analysis of Access Protocol Storage Requirements in a
Local Area Network Node Environment", The
8th IASTED International Conference on Modelling. Identification and
Control, Grindelwald, Switzerland, Feb. 1989.
J. Koutsonikos, T. Antonakopoulos, V. Pallios and V. Makios:
"ETHERNET Gateway Implementation for a High-Speed Mutliservice
LAN", The 2hn International Conference on Software Engineering for Real Time
Systems, Cirencester, UK, Sept. 1989.
S.A. Pressas and V. Makios: "A Shunt Switch Pulse Width
Modulated Photovoltaic Battery Charge Regulator for the Agia
Roumeli-Crete 50kWp Stand Alone PV Plant", Proc.
9th E.C. Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Freiburg. 1989, pp.
J. Koutsonikos, T. Antonakopoulos, V. Pallios and V. Makios:
"Analysis and Implementation of the Gateway between the ETHERNET
and a High-Speed Mutliservice LAN". The
8th IASTED International Symposium on Applied Informatics,
Innsbruck, Austria, February 1990.
T. Antonakopoulos, J. Koutsonikos and V. Makios: "Design
Implementation and Performance Analysis of an ETHERNET to LION
Gateway", NATO Advanced Research Workship on Architecture and Performance Issues
of High-Capacity Local and Metropolitan Area Networks, Sophia
Antipolis, France, June 1990.
T. Antonakopoulos, N. Kanopoulos and V. Makios: "Multiple
VMEbus Interconnections Using Hardware Semaphores", The
ISMM International Symposium for Mini and Microcomputers and their
Applications, Lugano, Switzerland, June 1990.
J. Koutsonikos, T. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios: "A
Dynamic Buffer Structure for LAN Gateways", The
21st IEEE Communication Theory Workshop, Rhodes, Greece, June
S. A. Pressas and V. Makios, "A Reliable PV Battery Charge
Regulator with Ideal VB:VB vs.t Profile", Proc.,
10th E.C. Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Lisbon, April
T. Antonakopoulos, J. Koutsonikos and V. Makios: "Design,
Implementation and Performance Analysis of an ETHERNET to LION
Gateway", NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Architecture and Performance Issues
of High-Capacity Local and Metropolitan Area Networks, Springer-Veriag,
Sophia Antipolis, France, June 1990.
J. Koutsonikos, T. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios: "A
Dynamic Buffer Structure for LAN Gateways", The
21th IEEE Communications Theory Workshop, Rhodes, Greece, June
T. Antonakopoulos, J. Koutsonikos and V. Makios: "Bounded
Transfer Delays in Buffer Insertion Rings using Load-Controlled
Scheduling of Traffic", The
5th IEEE Workshop on Metropolitan Area Networks, Taormina, Italy,
May 1992.
T. Antonakopoulos, J. Koutsonikos and V. Makios: "A
Photovoltaic Forest Fire Detection System: The Communication
Subsystem", The 5th
Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Toronto, Canada, September 1992.
J. Koutsonikos, T. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios:
"Efficient Bandwidth Allocation in Buffer Insertion Ring
Networks", The 5th Canadian
Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Toronto,
Canada, September 1992, pp. 1.222.1-1.22.5.
C. Stavroulopoulos, S. Koutroubinas, T. Antonakopoulos and V.
Makios: "A Distributed Simulator for Performance Analysis of
Applications in the ATM Environment" accepted for presentation in
The 12th IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Identification and
Control, Innsbruck, Austria, February 1993.
S. Koutroubinas, T. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios:
"Inter-Channel Synchronization at the ATM Adaptation Layer" accepted
for presentation in The 2nd International Conference on Image
Communication, Bordeaux, France, March 1993.
A. Maniatopoulos, T. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios: "The
Physical Layer of a Cell-based Local Area Network", The
4th International Conference on Advances in Communication and Control,
Phodes, Greece, June 1993.
C. Papadopoulos, T. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios: "The
Medium Access Controller of a Customer Premises Network", The
Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC'93), Taejon,
Korea, August 1993.
C. Papadopoulos, A. Maniatopoulos, T. Antonakopoulos and V.
Makios: "A Real-time Test-bed for Prototyping Cell-based
Communication Networks", The 5th IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping,
Grenoble, France, June 1994.
A. Maniatopoulos, T. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios:
"Synchronization Issues of a Customer Premises Network Based on
Cell Transmission over Fiber Channel Interfaces", The
20th EUROMICRO Conference on System Architecture and Integration,
Liverpool, UK, September 1994.
T.Antonakopoulos, N. Kanopoulos, D. Antoniou and V. Makios:
"A Distributed Information Network for Quality Control in a
Factory Environment of Production and Distribution of Sensitive
Produces", The Fourth
International Conference on Advanced Factory Automation-Factory 2000,
IEE, York, UK, October 1994.
Th. Antonakopoulos, K. Agavanakis
and V. Makios, "CASE Tools Evaluation: An Automatic
Process Based on Fuzzy Sets Theory", The
6th IEEE International
Workshop on Rapid System Protoyping, Chapel Hill, NC, June 1995.
K. Agavanakis, T. Antonakopoulos
and V. Makios, "On Applying Fuzzy Sets in the Evaluation
Process of Object-Oriented Supporting CASE Tools", The
21st EUROMICRO Conference, Como, Italy, September 1995.
D. Pelekanos, T. Antonakopoulos
and V. Makios, "The C2
Communication Coprocessor", The
5th International Conference on Advances in Communication and Control
- COMCON-5, Chania, June 1995.
C. Papadopoulos, T. Antonakopoulos, S. Pressas
and V. Makios, "A Variable
Frequency Controller for Three Phase DC/AC Inverters", IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Athens, July
E. Ziouva, T. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios, "A New Method
for Implementing Statistical Functions in Hardware and its Application
in Communication Traffic Emulation", IEEE
Singapore International Conference on Signal Processing, Circuits and
Systems '95, Singapore, July 1995.
A. Maniatopoulos, T. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios, "A CMI
Decoder with Single Bit Error Correction Capabilities", IEEE
Singapore International Conference on Networks and Information
Engineering '95, Singapore, July 1995.
A. Maniatopoulos, T. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios,
"Performance Analysis of the Synchronization Mechanism used at
the VIRUS Interface", The 3rd IEEE
International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems , Rhodes,
Greece, October 1996.
Th. Antonakopoulos, D. Pelekanos, N. Kanopoulos and V. Makios:
"VirtuaLink-40: Wireline Network Emulation using Wireless
Modems", The 15th International Conference on Consumer Electronics,
IEEE, Chicago IL, June 1996.
A. Maniatopoulos, T. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios: "Design
and Implementation of a new Synchronization Method for High-Speed
Cell-based Network Interfaces", The
IEEE Conference on Computer Design - ICCD'96,
IEEE Computer Press, Austin,
TX, October 1996.
E. Ziouva, A. Avrasoglou, K. Agavanakis, T. Antonakopoulos and
V. Makios, "A PCI-bus based ASN.1 Accelerator", The 6th
International Conference on Advances in Communications and Control, Corfu,
Greece, June 23-27, 1997.
D. Papadimatos, T. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios,
"Real-Time Disparity Information Compression in 3D
Teleconferencing Systems", The 24th EUROMICRO
Conference, Vasteras, Sweden, August 1998.
D. Papadimatos, T. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios “Performance
Analysis of a Selective Rejection Algorithm on Compressed Disparity
Data” The 7th International Conference on Advances in
Communications and Control-COMCON’7, Athens, June 1999.
Koutroubinas, T. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios “A New Efficient
Access Protocol for Integrating Multimedia Services in the Home
Environment” The 18th International Conference on
Consumer Electronics-ICCE’99, IEEE, Los Angeles, June 1999.
A. Kalis, T. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios "A Printed
Circuit Switched Array Antenna for Indoor Communications" The
19th International Conference on Consumer Electronics - ICCE'2000,
IEEE, Los Angeles, June 2000.
A. Dimou, V. Makios “A fuzzy edge detector for SAR Images”
EUSAR 2000 Conference, Munchen 23-25 May 2000.
A. Potsis, V. Makios “End-To-End Calibration of Polarimetric
P-band data of DLR Experimental SAR (E-SAR)” EUSAR 2000 Conference,
Munchen 23-25 May 2000.
A. Papadopoulos, T. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios: "A new
cut-through forwarding mechanism for supporting ATM
multipoint-to-point connections", The IEEE International
Conference on Networking - ICN’01, Colmar, France, July 2001.
C. Stavroulopoulos, T. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios:
"Performance Evaluation of Mobile Ad Hoc Network Routing
Protocols for Real Time Applications Support", The
8th International Conference on Advances in Communications and Control
– COMCON’8, Rethymnon,
June 2001.
A. Papadopoulos, T. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios: "ATM
AAL2 protocol efficiency for supporting Voice over DSL", The
8th International Conference on Advances in Communications and Control
– COMCON’8, Rethymnon,
June 2001.
Tsachtsiris, C. Soras, S. Kotsopoulos and V. Makios, "Analysis
and design of a
Koch monopole antenna printed on a PCMCIA card for the 2.4 GHz ISM
Proceedings of the
8th COMCON International Conference on Advances in Communications and
Control, pp.
1021-1025, Crete (June 2001).
G. Tsachtsiris,
C. Soras, M. Karaboikis and V. Makios, "A
modified Sierpinski gasket monopole antenna for a PCMCIA card
operating in the 2.4 and 5.15 GHz ISM bands",
Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Advances in
Communications, pp. 212-215, Rhodes (July 2001).
Konstantatos, C. Soras, G. Tsachtsiris, M. Karaboikis and V. Makios,
Modeling of a Minkowski Monopole Antenna and Its Use on PCMCIA Cards”,
6th International Workshop on Finite Elements for
Microwave Engineering, Chios (May 30 – June 1, 2002).
A. Kalis, T. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios: "A Power
Divider/Combiner Block for Switched Beam Arrays", IEEE
International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE-2002, L'
Aquila, Italy, July 2002.
Tsachtsiris, C. Soras, M. Karaboikis and V. Makios, “A
Reduced Size Fractal Rectangular Curve Patch Antenna”, Submitted to
the 2003 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility,
Istanbul (May 11-16, 2003).
Karaboikis, C. Soras, G. Tsachtsiris
and V. Makios, “Three-branch
Antenna Diversity Systems on Wireless Devices Using Various Printed
Monopoles”, Submitted to the 2003 International Symposium on
Electromagnetic Compatibility, Istanbul (May 11-16, 2003).
Technical Reports
V. Makios: "Mikrowellen-Inteferometrische Messungen der
raumlichen Elektronendichtenverteilung hinter stossfronten und
Entladungs-plasmen", Bericht,
IPP. 3/25, des Instituts fur Plasmaphysik, Garching Dez. 1965.
V. Makios: "Mikrowelleninterferometrie an
elektromagnetisch erzeugten Stosswellen", Bericht,
IPP 3/35, des Institutes fur Plasmaphysik, Garching, Febr. 1966.
H. Klingenberg. V. Makios. G. Meinhold. A. Siddiqui:
"Untersuchungen an Transformationsgliedern zwischen Hohlleitern
und Lechrdrahten im 3 cm-Gebiet", Bericht
IPP 3/53 des I institutes fur Plasmaphysik, Garching, Marz 1967.
C. Soras and V. Makios: "Feasibility Study for Small Solar
Cell Operated Units in Greece", Technical
Report EUR 9975, EN European Communities Brussels-1985, pages 170.
C. Soras, V. Makios, T. Zacharias and S. Pressas: "Report
on the Reliability of the Antikythira Central Station Photovoltaic
System", Technical Report, Commission of the European Communities, PV
Demonstration Projects, DG XVII, 1986.
C. Soras and V. Makios: "Expected Performance of the
Central Photovoltaic Station in Antikythira", Techn.
Rep. EEC, PV Demonstration Projects D.G. XVII, 1987.
Abstract CV
Detailed CV