Σημείωση για τα
πνευματικά δικαιώματα: Η παρουσίαση αυτού του υλικού αποσκοπεί
στην διάδοση επιστημονικών και τεχνολογικών ερευνητικών εργασιών. Τα πνευματικά δικαιώματα
και όλα τα δικαιώματα που προκύπτουν από αυτά διατηρούνται από τους
συγγραφείς ή από άλλους κατόχους των πνευματικών δικαιωμάτων. Όποιος
επιθυμεί να χρησιμοποιήσει αυτό το υλικό πρέπει να τηρήσει τους όρους και
τους περιορισμούς που προκύπτουν από τα πνευματικά δικαιώματα κάθε
συγγραφέα. Στις περισσότερες περιπτώσεις, οι εργασίες αυτές δεν μπορούν να
αναπαραχθούν μαζικά χωρίς τη ρητή άδεια του κατόχου των πνευματικών
Οι εργασίες που δημοσιεύονται σε συνέδρια ή
περιοδικά της ΙΕΕΕ υπόκεινται στην
πολιτική πνευματικών δικαιωμάτων της ΙΕΕΕ:
“© IΕΕΕ. Η προσωπική χρήση αυτού του υλικού επιτρέπεται. Εντούτοις, η
άδεια να ανατυπωθεί/αναδημοσιευθεί αυτό το υλικό για διαφημιστικούς σκοπούς,
ή για τη δημιουργία νέων συλλογικών εργασιών για μεταπώληση ή διάθεση σε
κόμβους του διαδικτύου ή λίστες, ή να επαναχρησιμοποιηθούν οποιαδήποτε
συστατικά αυτού του υλικού σε άλλες εργασίες, πρέπει να ληφθεί από την ΙΕΕΕ”. |
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D. Papadimatos, Th. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios: “Compressed
Disparity Information Transmission over Constant Bit Rate ATM Channels”,
European Transactions on Telecommunications, Vol. 11, No. 5, September-October 2000, pp. 509-513.
M. Iliopoulos and Th. Antonakopoulos: “Reconfigurable
Network Processors based on Field Programmable System Level Integrated
Circuits”, The 10th International Conference on Field
Programmable Logic and Applications - FPL2000, Villach, Austria, August
2000, pp. 39-47.
G. Sinevriotis, A. Leventis, D. Anastasiadou, C. Stavroulopoulos, T.
Papadopoulos, Th. Antonakopoulos and T. Stouraitis: “SOFLOPO:
Towards Systematic Software Exploitation for Low-Power Designs”,
International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design
- ISLPED '00, Palace Rapallo/Portofino Coast, Italy, July 26-27,
A. Kalis, Th. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios: “A
Printed Circuit Switched Array Antenna for Indoor Communications”,
IEEE Transactions on Consumer
Vol. 46, No. 3, August 2000, pp. 531-538. Also presented in
The 19th International Conference on Consumer Electronics - ICCE
2000, IEEE, Los Angeles, June 2000. Awarded with the second Chester Sall Award of IEEE for the
best papers of IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics in 2000.
M. Iliopoulos and Th. Antonakopoulos: “A
Methodology for Implementing Medium Access Protocols Using a General
Parameterized Architecture”, The 11th IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping - RSP
2000, Paris, June 2000, pp.
M. Iliopoulos and Th. Antonakopoulos: “Hardware
implementation of the Wired LAN Equivalent Privacy in 802.11 Wireless LANs”,
Computers and Computational Engineering in Control, World Scientific,
pp. 297-302. (ISBN: 960-8052-12-2). Also presented in The 3rd
IMACS-IEEE International Multi-conference
on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers - CSCC’99, Athens, Greece,
July 1999.
S. Koutroubinas, Th. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios: “A
New Efficient Access Protocol for Integrating Multimedia Services in the
Home Environment”,
IEEE Transactions on Consumer
Electronics, Vol. 45, No. 3, August 1999, pp. 481-487. Also presented in
The 18th
International Conference on Consumer Electronics - ICCE’99,
IEEE, Los Angeles, June 1999.
D. Papadimatos, Th. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios: “Performance
Analysis of a Selective Rejection Algorithm on Compressed Disparity Data”, The 7th International Conference on Advances in Communications and
Control - COMCON’7, Athens,
Greece, June 1999, pp. 573-583.
S. Koutroubinas, A. Maniatopoulos, M. Iliopoulos and Th. Antonakopoulos:
Design, Implementation and Demonstration of an Adapter Card for Wireless
Local Area Networks”,
Bordeaux, France, September 1998.
A. Kalis and Th. Antonakopoulos: “On
Optimizing the routing algorithms of a GSM Infrastructure Network for
supporting time critical applications”, The International Conference on Simulations, York, UK,
September 1998, pp. 201-208.
D. Papadimatos, Th. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios: “Real-Time
Disparity Information Compression in 3D Teleconferencing Systems”,
The 24th EUROMICRO Conference, Vasteras, Sweden, August 1998,
pp. 528-535.
M. Iliopoulos, A. Maniatopoulos and Th. Antonakopoulos: “Bridge-on-a-chip:
Internetworking ATM with the IEEE802.11 Wireless LAN”, The European
Conference on Networks and Optical Communications - NOC’98, Manchester,
UK, June 1998.
E. Ziouva, A. Avrasoglou, K. Agavanakis, Th. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios: “A
PCI-bus based ASN.1 Accelerator”, The 6th
International Conference on Advances in Communications and Control -
COMCON’6, Corfu, Greece, June 23-27, 1997 pp. 147-157.
A. Maniatopoulos, Th. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios: “Design
and Implementation of a new Synchronization Method for High-Speed Cell-based
Network Interfaces”, The IEEE
International Conference on Computer Design - ICCD'96, Austin, TX,
October 1996, pp. 158-164.
Th. Antonakopoulos, C. Powers and N. Kanopoulos: “A
Versatile Wireless System for Real-Time Telemetry Applications”, The
3rd IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems,
Rhodes, Greece, October 1996, pp. 1194-1197.
A. Maniatopoulos, Th. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios: “Performance Analysis
of the Synchronization Mechanism used at the VIRUS Interface”, The 3rd
IEEE International Conference on
Electronics, Circuits and Systems , Rhodes, Greece, October 1996, pp.
Th. Antonakopoulos, D. Pelekanos, N. Kanopoulos and V. Makios: “VirtuaLink-40:
Wireline Network Emulation using Wireless Modems”,
The 15th International Conference on Consumer Electronics,
IEEE, Chicago IL, June 1996, pp. 220-221.
A. Maniatopoulos, Th. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios: “Implementation
Issues of the ATM cell delineation mechanism”,
Electronics Letters, IEE, Vol. 32, No. 1, May 1996, pp. 963-964.
S. Koutroubinas, Th. Antonakopoulos, C. Stavroulopoulos and V. Makios: “Performance
Analysis of Service Transmission in
the ATM Environment using a Distributed Simulator”, International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, Vol. 16, No. 1,
ACTS Press 1996, pp. 30-36.
K. Agavanakis, Th. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios: “On
Applying Fuzzy Sets in the Evaluation Process of Object-Oriented Supporting
CASE Tools”, The 21st
EUROMICRO Conference, Como, Italy, September 1995, pp. 572-579.
A. Maniatopoulos, Th. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios: “A
CMI Decoder with Single Bit Error Correction Capabilities”,
IEEE Singapore International Conference on Networks and Information
Engineering '95, Singapore, July 1995, pp. 317-321.
E. Ziouva, Th. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios: “A
New Method for Implementing Statistical Functions in Hardware and its
Application in Communication Traffic Emulation”,
IEEE Singapore International Conference on Signal Processing, Circuits
and Systems '95, Singapore, July 1995, pp. 23-27.
C. Papadopoulos, Th. Antonakopoulos, S. Pressas and V. Makios: “A
Variable Frequency Controller for Three Phase DC/AC Inverters”, The IEEE International Symposium on Industrial
Electronics, Athens, Greece, July 1995, pp. 227-231.
Th. Antonakopoulos: “A
Spectrum Reuse/Token Passing (SRTP) Protocol for Communications in the
Factory Environment over the Power Grid”,
IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Athens,
Greece, July 1995, pp. 878-883.
D. Pelekanos, Th. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios: “The
Communication Coprocessor”,
The 5th International Conference on Advances in Communication and Control -
COMCON’5, Chania, Greece, June 1995, pp.
Th. Antonakopoulos, K. Agavanakis and V. Makios: “CASE
Tools Evaluation: An Automatic Process Based on Fuzzy Sets Theory”,
The 6th IEEE
International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping - RSP’95, Chapel
Hill, NC, June 1995, pp. 140-146.
A. Maniatopoulos, Th. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios: “Single
- Bit Error Correction Circuit for ATM Interfaces”,
Electronics Letters, IEE, Vol. 31, No. 8, April 1995, pp. 617-618.
Th. Antonakopoulos, N. Kanopoulos, D. Antoniou and V. Makios: “A
Distributed Information Network for Quality Control in a Factory Environment
of Production and Distribution of Sensitive Products”,
The Fourth International Conference on Advanced Factory Automation - Factory
2000, ΙΕΕ, York, UK, October 1994, pp. 586-592.
A. Maniatopoulos, Th. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios: “Synchronization
Issues of a Customer Premises Network Based on Cell Transmissions over Fiber
Channel Interfaces”,
The 20th EUROMICRO Conference on
System Architecture and Integration, IEEE Computer Press, Liverpool, UK,
September 1994, pp. 672-678.
C. Papadopoulos, A. Maniatopoulos, Th. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios: “A
Real-time Test-bed for Prototyping Cell-based Communication Networks”,
The 5th IEEE lnternational Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping,
Grenoble, France, June 1994, pp. 34-39.
Th. Antonakopoulos and N. Kanopoulos: “Multiple
Boundary Scan-Paths for Minimizing Circuit-Board Test-Application Time”,
Euromicro Journal of Microprocessing and Microprogramming, Vol. 40,
1994, pp. 377-386.
Th. Antonakopoulos, S. Koutroubinas, J. Koutsonikos and V. Makios: “A
Distributed Bandwidth Allocation Algorithm for Gbit/s LANs”, Euromicro Journal of Microprocessing and Microprogramming, Vol. 38,
No. 1-5, September 1993, pp. 301-308. Also presented in the 19th
EUROMICRO Conference, Barcelona, Spain, September 1993.
C. Papadopoulos, Th. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios: “The
Medium Access Controller of a Customer Premises Network”,
The Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications - APCC '93, Taejon, Korea,
August 1993, pp. 3C.4.1 - 3C.4.5.
A. Maniatopoulos, Th. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios: “The
Physical Layer of a Cell-based Local Area Network”,
The 4th International Conference on Advances in Communication and Control -
COMCON’4, Rhodes, Greece, June 1993, pp. 49-58.
S. Koutroubinas, Th. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios: “Inter-Channel
Synchronization at the ATM Adaptation Layer”,
The 2nd International Conference on Image Communication, Bordeaux,
France, March 1993, pp. 60-65.
C. Stavroulopoulos, S. Koutroubinas, Th. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios: “A
Distributed Simulator for Performance Analysis of Applications in the ATM
Environment”, The 12th IASTED
International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control,
Innsbruck, Austria, February 1993, pp. 158-161.
Th. Antonakopoulos, K. Berberidis and V. Makios: “Computationally Efficient Method for Tone Detection in Noisy Channels”,
International Journal of Electronics,
Vol. 74, No. 6, 1993, pp. 885-900.
Th. Antonakopoulos, J. Koutsonikos and V. Makios: “An
Adaptable Frame Multiplexing Scheme for Source Routing Bridges”,
Euromicro Journal of Microprocessing and Microprogramming, Vol. 35, No.
1-5, September 1992, pp. 409-416. Also presented in The 18th EUROMICRO
Paris, September 1992.
J. Koutsonikos, Th. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios: “Efficient
Bandwidth Allocation in Buffer Insertion Ring Networks”,
The 5th Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Toronto, Canada, September 1992, pp. 1.22.1 -
Th. Antonakopoulos, J. Koutsonikos and V. Makios: “Bounded
Transfer Delays in Buffer Insertion Rings using Load-Controlled Scheduling
of Traffic”, The 5th IEEE
Workshop on Metropolitan Area Networks, Taormina, Italy, May 1992.
Th. Antonakopoulos, S. Pressas and V. Makios: “Single
Chip Controller for a High-Switching Frequency DC/AC Power Inverter”,
International Journal of Electronics, Vol. 73, No. 1, 1992, pp. 229-240.
Th. Antonakopoulos, N. Kanopoulos and V. Makios: “Multiple VMEbus
Interconnections Using Hardware Semaphores”,
ISMM International Symposium for Mini
and Microcomputers and their Applications, Lugano, Switzerland, June
1990, pp. 114-117.
Th. Antonakopoulos, J. Koutsonikos and V. Makios: “Design,
Implementation and Performance Analysis of an ETHERNET to LION Gateway”,
NATO ASI Series F: Computer and Systems Sciences, Vol. F72,
High-Capacity Local and Metropolitan Area Networks: Architecture and
Performance Issues (Edited by Guy Pujolle). Springer-Verlag, pp. 455-469
(ISBN 3-540-53767-8). Also presented in the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on High-Capacity Local and Metropolitan
Area Networks, Sophia Antipolis, France, June 1990.
J. Koutsonikos, Th. Antonakopoulos, V. Pallios and V.Makios: “Analysis
and Implementation of the Gateway between the ETHERNET and a High-speed
Multiservice LAN”, The 8th
IASTED International Symposium on Applied Informatics, Innsbruck,
Austria, February 1990, pp. 243-246.
J. Koutsonikos, Th. Antonakopoulos, V. Pallios and V. Makios: “ETHERNET
Gateway Implementation for a High-speed Multiservice LAN”, The 2nd International Conference on Software Engineering for Real Time
Systems, IEE, Cirencester, UK,
September 1989, pp. 180-183.
Th. Antonakopoulos, J. Koutsonikos, V. Pallios and V. Makios: “Simulation
Analysis of Access Protocol Storage Requirements in a Local Area Network
Node Environment”,
The 8th IASTED International Conference on
Modelling, Identification and Control, Grindelwald, Switzerland,
February 1989, pp. 397-401.
V. Pallios, Th. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios: “Access
Control Module for Local Integrated Optical Network”,
Electronics Letters, IEE, Vol. 25, No. 3, February 1989, pp.183-184.
V. Pallios, Th. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios: “A
High Speed Access Mechanism for a multiservice LAN at 144 Mbps”, The 8th European Conference
on Electrotechnics, IEEE, Stockholm, Sweden, June 1988, pp. 256-260.
V. Pallios, Th. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios: “Architecture
and Implementation of the Access Mechanism for a Bus Structured Multiservice
LAN”, The 8th International
Conference on Distributed Computing Systems - DCS’88, IEEE, San Jose,
California, June 1988, pp. 132-137.
V. Pallios, Th. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios: “Analysis
of the Access Protocol for a multiservice LAN”,
First European Conference on Information Technology for Organisational
Systems - EURINFO '88, IFIP, Athens, Greece,
May 1988, pp. 489-494.
Koutsonikos, V. Pallios, Th. Antonakopoulos and V. Makios:
Analysis of an ETHERNET Network Connected to a High-Speed LAN”,
First European Conference on Information Technology for Organisational
Systems - EURINFO '88, IFIP, Athens, Greece,
May 1988, pp. 522-526.