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E. Bougioukou, N. Toulgaridis, M. Varsamou, and Th. Antonakopoulos, “A Non-Volatile Memory Emulation Tool and its Use in Analyzing eMMC-based Devices”,
accepted for presentation at the IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference 2023 (I2MTC-2023),
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 22 - 25, 2023.
Riduan Khaddam-Aljameh, Milos Stanisavljevic, Jordi Fornt Mas, Geethan Karunaratne, Matthias Brändli, Feng Liu, Abhairaj Singh, Silvia M. Müller,
Urs Egger, Anastasios Petropoulos, Theodore Antonakopoulos, Kevin Brew, Samuel Choi, Injo Ok, Fee Li Lie, Nicole Saulnier, Victor Chan, Ishtiaq Ahsan,
Vijay Narayanan, S. R. Nandakumar, Manuel Le Gallo, Pier Andrea Francese, Abu Sebastian and Evangelos Eleftheriou: “HERMES-Core—A 1.59-TOPS/mm2 PCM
on 14-nm CMOS In-Memory Compute Core Using 300-ps/LSB Linearized CCO-Based ADCs”, accepted for publication to the IEEE Journal of Solid-State
Circuits, 2022.
R. Khaddam-Aljameh, M. Stanisavljevic, J. Fornt Mas, G. Karunaratne, M. Braendli, F. Liu, A. Singh, S. M. Muller, U. Egger, A. Petropoulos,
T. Antonakopoulos, K. Brew, S. Choi, I. Ok, F. L. Lie, N. Saulnier, V. Chan, I. Ahsan, V. Narayanan, S. R. Nandakumar, M. Le Gallo, P. A. Francese,
A. Sebastian, E. Eleftheriou: “HERMES Core - A 14nm CMOS and PCM-based In-Memory Compute Core using an array of 300ps/LSB Linearized
CCO-based ADCs and local digital processing”, The 2021 Symposium on VLSI Circuits,
Kyoto, Japan, June 13-19, 2021.
Ioannis Krilis and Theodore Antonakopoulos, “The use of Spindle Feature Vectors in Wearable Devices for
Sleep Monitoring and Analysis”, The 10th IEEE International Conference on Consumer Technology (IEEE ICCE-Berlin 2020), Berlin,
November 9-11, 2020. Awarded with the Best Paper Award in ICCE-Berlin 2020.
Anastasios Petropoulos, Dimitrios Sikeridis and Theodore Antonakopoulos, “Wearable Smart Health Advisors: An IMU-enabled Posture Monitor”,
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, Volume: 9, Issue: 5, Sept. 1 2020, pp: 20-27.
S. R. Nandakumar, Manuel Le Gallo, Christophe Piveteau, Vinay Joshi,
Giovanni Mariani, Irem Boybat, Geethan Karunaratne, Riduan Khaddam-Aljameh,
Urs Egger, Anastasios Petropoulos, Theodore A. Antonakopoulos, Bipin
Rajendran, Abu Sebastian and Evangelos Eleftheriou, “Mixed-precision
deep learning based on computational memory”, Frontiers in Neuroscience - Neuromorphic Engineering,
doi: 10.3389/fnins.2020.00406, 2020.
Eleni Bougioukou, Maria Varsamou, Nikolaos Toulgaridis, and Theodore Antonakopoulos, “A Real-Time Non-Volatile Memory Analyzer
and its Use on the Evaluation of Storage Devices based on NAND Flash Memories”,
International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference - I2MTC 2020, Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 25-28, 2020.
Anastasios Petropoulos, Irem Boybat, Manuel Le Gallo, Evangelos Eleftheriou, Abu Sebastian and Theodore Antonakopoulos,
“Accurate Emulation of Memristive Crossbar Arrays for in-Memory Computing”,
The 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Seville, Spain, May 17-20, 2020.
Nikolaos Toulgaridis, Eleni Bougioukou, Maria Varsamou and Theodore Antonakopoulos, “Real-time Emulation and Analysis of Multiple NAND Flash
Channels in Solid-state Storage Devices”, Microprocessors and Microsystems Journal, Volume 74, April 2020,
Ioannis Krillis, Theodore Antonakopoulos and George Kostopoulos, “An Automated Sleep Spindles Detection Tool and its Use on Spindles Analysis
and Parameterization”, The 28th Meeting of the Hellenic Society for Neuroscience - HSN2019, Crete, Greece, October 4-6, 2019.
Maria Varsamou and Theodore Antonakopoulos, “Classification using Discriminative Restricted Boltzmann Machines on Spark”,
The 27th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks - SoftCOM 2019,
September 19-21, 2019 in Split, Croatia.
Abu Sebastian, Irem Boybat, Martino Dazzi, Iason Giannopoulos, Varaprasad Jonnalagadda, Vinay Joshi, Geethan Karunaratne, Benedikt Kersting,
Riduan Khaddam-Aljameh, S. R. Nandakumar, Anastasios Petropoulos, Christophe Piveteau, Theodore Antonakopoulos, Bipin Rajendran, Manuel Le Gallo,
Evangelos Eleftheriou, “Computational memory-based inference and training of deep neural networks”,
2019 Symposia on VLSI Technology and Circuits,
Kyoto, Japan, June 9-14, 2019.
Anastasios Petropoulos and Theodore Antonakopoulos, “Accurate PCM Crosspoint Emulator and its Use on Eigenvalues Calculation”,
The 25th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems - ICECS 2018, Bordeaux, France, December 9-12, 2018.
Nikolaos Toulgaridis, Eleni Bougioukou and Theodore Antonakopoulos, “Real-time Emulation of Multiple NAND Flash
Channels by Exploiting the DRAM Memory of High-end Servers”, The Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD-2018), August 29-31,
2018, Prague, Czech Republic.
Anastasios Petropoulos and Theodore Antonakopoulos, “A Versatile PCM-based Circuits Emulator and its Use on
Implementing Linear Algebra Functions”, The Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD-2018), August 29-31,
2018, Prague, Czech Republic.
Th. Antonakopoulos, N. Toulgaridis, M. Varsamou, E. Bougioukou and T. Petropoulos, “An Advanced Flash Emulator for
Designing Today’s High-Capacity Controllers”, Flash Memory Summit 2018, August 7-9, 2018, Santa Clara, USA.
Eleni Bougioukou, Nikolaos Toulgaridis, Maria Varsamou and
Theodore Antonakopoulos, “Hardware Acceleration on Cloud Services: The use of Restricted Boltzmann Machines on Handwritten Digits Recognition”,
Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, Vol. 3, No. 1, 483-495 (2018).
Nikolaos Toulgaridis, Eleni Bougioukou and Theodore Antonakopoulos, “RBM-based Hardware Accelerator for Handwritten Digits Recognition”,
The 4th Panhellenic Conference on Electronics and Telecommunications, PACET-2017, Xanthi, Greece, 17-18 November 2017.
Anastasios Petropoulos and Theodore Antonakopoulos, “Hardware Emulation of Phase Change Memory”,
The 4th Panhellenic Conference on Electronics and Telecommunications, PACET-2017, Xanthi, Greece, 17-18 November 2017.
Stella Zotou, George Kostopoulos and Theodore Antonakopoulos, “Real-time Spindles Detection for Acoustic Neurofeedback”,
International Conference on “Brain Function Assessment in Learning” (BFAL-2017), Patras, Greece, September 24-25, 2017.
Anastasios Petropoulos, Dimitrios Sikeridis and Theodore Antonakopoulos, “SPoMo: IMU-based Real-time Sitting Posture Monitoring”,
The 7th IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (IEEE 2017 ICCE-Berlin), Berlin, September 3-6, 2017.
Eleni Bougioukou, Nikolaos Toulgaridis and Theodore Antonakopoulos, “Cloud Services using Hardware Accelerators:
The case of Handwritten Digits Recognition”, The 6th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST),
Thessaloniki, Greece, 4-6 May 2017.
Nikolaos Toulgaridis, Eleni Bougioukou and Theodore Antonakopoulos, “Architecture and Implementation of a Restricted Boltzmann Machine for Handwritten
Digits Recognition”, The 6th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST),
Thessaloniki, Greece, 4-6 May 2017.
D. Sikeridis and Th. Antonakopoulos, “An IMU-based Wearable System for Automatic Pointing during Presentations”,
Image Processing and Communications Journal, Vol. 21, Issue 2, 2017-04-04, pp. 7-18. DOI:
I. Zacharias and Th. Antonakopoulos, “Programming and Read-back Processes on Phase-Change Materials during Surface Scanning”,
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Vol. 9, Issue 5, 2016, pp. 121-125.
N. Papandreou, E. Bougioukou, A. Prodromakis, N. Toulgaridis, T.
Antonakopoulos , U. Egger, H. Pozidis, E. Eleftheriou, “Phase Change Memory Access in OpenPOWER Systems using CAPI”,
The OpenPower Summit Europe 2016, Barcelona, Spain, October 2016.
A. Prodromakis, N. Papandreou, E. Bougioukou, U. Egger, N. Toulgaridis, Th.
Antonakopoulos, H. Pozidis, E. Eleftheriou, “Controller Architecture for Low-latency
Access to Phase-Change Memory in OpenPOWER Systems”, The International Conference on Field-Programmable Logic and
Applications (FPL), 29th August–2nd September 2016, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Stelios Korkotsides and Theodore Antonakopoulos, “The Effect of Using Multiple Code Rates on NVM-based Storage Systems”, The IEICE Information
and Communication Technology Forum 2016 - ICTF 2016, Patras, Greece, 6-8 July 2016.
Anastasios Petropoulos and Theodore Antonakopoulos, “Indoor Location Estimation using a Pair of Wearable Devices”, The IEICE Information and
Communication Technology Forum 2016 - ICTF 2016, Patras, Greece, 6-8 July 2016.
Dimitrios Sikeridis and Theodore Antonakopoulos, “An IMU-based Wearable Presentation Pointing Device”,
The IEICE Information and Communication Technology Forum 2016 - ICTF 2016, Patras, Greece, 6-8 July 2016.
Stelios Korkotsides and Theodore Antonakopoulos, “Architecture of a NVM-based Storage System Using Adaptive LDPC
Codes”, The 5th International Conference on Circuits and Systems Technologies
(MOCAST), Thessaloniki, Greece, May 2016.
N. Papandreou, U. Egger, H. Pozidis, E. Eleftheriou, A. Prodromakis, E.
Bougioukou, N. Toulgaridis and Th. Antonakopoulos, “Low Latency Access to Phase Change Memory in OpenPOWER Systems”,
The 2016 OpenPOWER Summit, San Jose, USA, April 2016.
Antonios Prodromakis, Stelios Korkotsides and Theodore Antonakopoulos, “MLC NAND Flash Memory: Aging Effect and
Chip/Channel Emulation”, Microprocessors and Microsystems: Embedded Hardware
Design (MICPRO), Volume 39, Issue 8, November 2015, Pages 1052-1062.
I. Zaharias, Th. Antonakopoulos, “Modelling of Phase Change Media Surface Scanning”, The 6th IC-EpsMsO
Conference, Athens, Greece, July 2015.
Eleni Bougioukou and Theodore Antonakopoulos, “A Hybrid Device Driver for Next-Generation Solid-State Drives”,
The Pan-Hellenic Conference on Electronics and Telecommunications - PACET 2015, Ioannina,
Greece, May 2015.
Ilias Zacharias and Theodore Antonakopoulos, “Programming and Read-back Processes on Phase-Change Materials
during Surface Scanning”, The Pan-Hellenic Conference on Electronics and Telecommunications -
PACET 2015, Ioannina, Greece, May 2015.
Stelios Korkotsides and Theodore Antonakopoulos, “Improved LDPC Decoding Speed Using Past Decoding Information”,
The Pan-Hellenic Conference on Electronics and Telecommunications - PACET 2015, Ioannina,
Greece, May 2015.
Antonios Prodromakis and Theodore Antonakopoulos, “Non-Volatile Memory Emulator”,
The Pan-Hellenic Conference on Electronics and Telecommunications - PACET 2015, Ioannina,
Greece, May 2015.
Eleni Bougioukou, Athina Ntalla, Aspasia Palli, Maria Varsamou and Theodore Antonakopoulos, “Prototyping and
Performance Evaluation of a Dynamically Adaptable Block Device Driver for PCIe-based SSDs”, The 25th IEEE
International Symposium on Rapid System Prototyping, RSP-2014, October 16-17, 2014, New Delhi, India.
Maria Varsamou and Theodore Antonakopoulos, “A 'Bluetooth Smart' Analyzer in iBeacon Networks”,
The 4th IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (IEEE 2014 ICCE-Berlin), Berlin,
September 7-10, 2014.
Eleni Bougioukou, Maria Varsamou and Theodore Antonakopoulos: “A Dynamically Adaptable
Mechanism for PCIe-Based Accelerators and Storage Systems”, The Work in Progress
Session (DSD Part) of the Euromicro SEAA/DSD 2014 Conference, Verona, Italy, August 27-29, 2014.
Aspasia Palli and Theodore Antonakopoulos: “Interconnection Optimization in a
Multi-Nodes Storage Architecture”, The Work in Progress Session (DSD Part) of
the Euromicro SEAA/DSD 2014 Conference, Verona, Italy, August 27-29, 2014.
Antonios Prodromakis, Stelios Korkotsides and Theodore Antonakopoulos, “A Versatile Emulator for the Aging
Effect of Non-Volatile Memories: The case of NAND Flash”, The 2014 EUROMICRO Digital System Design
Conference, Verona, Italy, August 27-29, 2014.
Panayiotis Savvopoulos and Theodore Antonakopoulos, “A New Performance Metric for M-APSK Receivers”,
International Journal of Electronics and
Communications, Volume 68, Issue 11, November 2014.
S. Korkotsides, G. Bikas, E. Eftaxiadis and Th. Antonakopoulos, “BER Analysis of MLC NAND Flash Memories based on an
Asymmetric PAM Model”, The 6th International Symposium on Communications, Control,
and Signal Processing (ISCCSP 2014), May 2014, Athens, Greece.
A. Prodromakis, G. Sklias and Th. Antonakopoulos, “Emulating the Aging of NAND Flash Memories as a Time-Variant
Communications Channel”, The 6th International Symposium on Communications, Control,
and Signal Processing (ISCCSP 2014), May 2014, Athens, Greece.
I. Koltsidas, P. Mueller, R. Pletka, Th. Weigold, E. Eleftheriou, M. Varsamou, A. Ntalla,
E. Mpougioukou, A. Palli and Th. Antonakopoulos, “PSS: A prototype storage subsystem based
on PCM”, The 5th annual UCSD Non-Volatile Memories Workshop - NVMW 2014,
March 9-11, 2014, San Diego, USA.
Andreas Kotsopoulos and Theodore Antonakopoulos, “Architecture and implementation of an adaptive nanopositioning
controller for fast spiral scanning”, The IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information
Technology (ISSPIT), December 12-15, 2013 - Athens, Greece.
Maria Varsamou, Ilias Zaxarias and Theodore Antonakopoulos, “Correlated Noise Estimation and Error Correction in
Parallel Storage Channels”, The IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information
Technology (ISSPIT), December 12-15, 2013 - Athens, Greece.
M. Varsamou and Th. Antonakopoulos,
“Variability of NVM Response Time and its Effect on the Performance of
Consumer SSDs”, The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (IEEE 2013 ICCE-Berlin),
Berlin, 8-11 September 2013.
Ilias Zaharias and Theodore
Antonakopoulos, “Modeling of Readback Signal Generated by Scanning PCM Surfaces”,
The 18th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP2013), Santorini, Greece, 1-3 July 2013.
Nikolaos Papandreou, Theodore
Antonakopoulos, Urs Egger, Aspasia Palli, Haralampos Pozidis and Evangelos Eleftheriou, “A Versatile Platform
for Characterization of Solid-State Memory Channels”, The 18th International Conference on Digital
Signal Processing (DSP2013), Santorini, Greece, 1-3 July 2013.
A. Kotsopoulos and Th. Antonakopoulos, “Tracking accuracy and stability
of a sliding peak-filter based controller for spiral nanopositioning in
probe storage systems”,
The 19th Mediterranean Conference on Control and
Automation (MED'11), Corfu, Greece, June 20-23, 2011.
A. Kotsopoulos, A. Pantazi, A. Sebastian, Th. Antonakopoulos, “High-speed spiral nanopositioning”,
The 18th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), Milan,
Italy, 2011.
Roman Pletka, Xiao-Yu Hu, Ilias Iliadis, Roy Cideciyan and Theodore Antonakopoulos, “Sub-block Wear-leveling for NAND
Flash”, The Non-Volatile Memories Workshop (NVMW2011), San Diego, CA, March 6-8, 2011.